This past week Eboni and I went to our Mom-Mom's house in Philadelphia to spend the week with her. While we were there we went to Atlantic City for two nights and three days. We had a great time! While we were there we toured the hotel, went to the beach, ate at the rainforest cafe and did a little shopping.
This was our third year going to my mom mom's for a week in the summer, and we hope to continue to do go every summer. We have so much fun every year and can't wait to do it again!!!!!
The view of the pier with all the rides.
The Taj Mahal
A sign on a building on the boardwalk that was a little bit frightening! Eboni insisted I take a picture of it, she said if I didn't she would. :)
Eboni and Janelle in front of the Taj Mahal
The view from our hotel room.
A sandcastle in the middle of the shopping outlets, that's my aunt in the background wearing the yellow shirt.
A giant drink in the hotel
A really pretty painting in the hallway of the hotel, there were a lot more paintings, but I only got a picture of this one.
The Outside of the Rainforest Cafe
A gorilla in the Rainforest Cafe, every several minutes all the fake animals in the cafe would come alive and start making noise, it was kind of frightening.
Some of the beautiful fish in the cafe
I'm not really sure what this picture is, but I think it's some kind of globe that was in the cafe.
A butterfly
This frog was going around taking pictures with everyone, he or she came to our table and kind of scared us. We couldn't figure out if it was a girl or a guy inside the costume.
More fish
Eboni, Me, and Janelle